Make-A-Wish Charity

I've always always wanted to do charity.

Cos i feel that each of us have so much to give to those who are more unfortunate than us.

N sometimes it just makes you appreciate what you have in your own life
So both you and the charity stands to gain. yay.

I've decided July this year will be the month I start.

I had wanted to wait till I was more settled in my job first.. but it just felt like it was time.

The charity of my choice is the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

We grant wishes to children with life threatening diseases and is present in 32 countries world wide.

In this way, we make both children and their parents happy.

So cut the vices and do your part for charity (as supporter or volunteer) today!

So much more meaningful don't you think? :)

BTW I've quit smoking!!!!! Bravo. *clap clap*

Still got many more things to complete and do! Ganbatte!

PS: Princess Diana's concert was sweet.

Her birthdate and mine is the same and she's exactly 20 yrs older than I.

She was just amazing n I hope I'll be someday too...