My girlie and her Canadian bf got engaged!
My darling friend (for more than a decade) got engaged to his bf in london!
My hearty congrats to all!
Went to a house bbq gathering one night...
Someone splashed pool water and it landed on his pants..
Looks like he peed! damn funny.. made him point to it for me to snap. ha
I played bluff with these two.. Just learnt it and it's fun!
Laughed so much.. waha.
Monkeys and Gamblers hard at play... Tee hee
Met my newly engaged girlie for food near my place one night..
I was lazy to head too far out.. So she came over.. sweet.
Yes, I Love my pimple cream!
SOme night where I had dinner at Esplanade...
My Humble House.. the food's real yum!!
Then joined another friend at one of the pubs in Red Dot Museum..
Pretty chill out. Nice.